
How To Hyper-Personalise Your Cold Emails

Have you ever tried to do outreach via cold email?And, did you struggle to personalise every single email?The answers to these are probably yes.That’s because while personalisation is pivotal in a good cold email, it also takes up LOADS of time and resources.In this article, I’m going to tell you how my clients manage to send 30,000 hyper-personalised emails every single day, without spending any more than 2 hours preparing them.How personalised is hyper-personalisedWhen I first heard this term, I thought it was pretty creepy.Hyper-personalised? So will they like… know my address, what the weather is like and what my mother’s maiden name is?But, the reality is that hyper-personalisation isn’t actually down to the detail that you include in the message.It’s actually down to something far more straightforward, that doesn’t involve scraping data from the internet or stalking their social media accounts.True personalisationI’ve always heard the saying that your email should be unique and look out of place in anybody else’s inbox.And, while I’ve found that out to be true, I’ve realised that the key to an email looking like it is in the right place…… is the timing of the email.Your email wants to be so unique, that it lands in the inbox right as the person you’re contacting is encountering the problem you’re looking to solve.There are a whole host of events that you can schedule your emails to come after.Job openings, exhibition appearances and recent company data releases can all make sure that your outreach is hyper-personalised in its timing, not in its detail.The time is now!Timing your emails is the way to ensure your outreach is received well.But, the problem is that a lot of people have absolutely no idea where to find this informationThen, even after finding it, they still have no idea about how to act on it and generate the personalised aspect of the outreach.So, here is how you’re going to make sure that the time is right for your email.Scouting vs FunnellingWhen you’re looking for signals in your prospect list, there are two ways of going about it.You can either get a huge list of prospects in your ICP and continuously check each of them to see if one, maybe, fits the criteria of a timing signal.Or, you can find every single person that is in the ideal situation, and then funnel them down to see if they fit your ICP.And, I can confidently tell you, the second option is better.It helps you avoid clutching at straws on signals and forcing one of your prospects into a problem they’re not facing.Instead, you can be confident that the timing is perfect and now simply be left with the task of seeing if they fit your ICP.Funnelling on autopilotWhen I first thought about funnelling for my outreach, I was worried that I’d be left with a huge list of prospects in ideal situations, but that I’d have to manually check if they each fit my ICP.But, with some experience under my belt, I’ve realised that there are some tools that make your life a lot easier.You can use a range of tools to gather the list of prospects that fit your situation, such as scraping job sites or using exhibition directories.Then, all you need to do is enrich the data, through Clay, LinkedIn Sales Nav or Zoominfo and filter down to your ICP.If you think a system like this would be beneficial to your business, let me know in the email box below and I’ll send you a free action plan on how we would implement it.

How To Protect Your Business From Recessions And AI Cyborgs

Recessions and AI seem to be the new kids on the block nowadays. In the next four minutes, I’m going to show you how, with my formula, I help my clients ‘AI proof’ their businesses, stay profitable and ensure no recession can hurt the amount of money they turn over.So, we see in the news that every other economy is entering a recession and then, in the next article, we see that AI is making people redundant and replacing their jobs.When I see this, it makes me feel on edge and I bet some of you feel the same.You want to protect yourself from a recession and make sure your business is the one using AI, not the one being replaced by it. Well, you’re definitely headed in the right directionI remember when I first tried to get started with AI though. I felt overwhelmed because there was so much information but no real place to help put the pieces together.Now, it’s even worse and you probably feel like you run around like a headless chicken when trying to learn something new.This is why I designed my formula to help you incorporate AI into your workflows with zero confusion and protect yourself against a recession. The formula is simple. Look at all of the software that you use and think, how can I make these interact with one another. Then, when you get an idea, draw a flowchart for how the automation will work. Then, begin to take action on the flowchart. No silly colour scheming or manifesting. Get an idea, plan it out and act on it. See my example below.

Since my clients started doing this, their businesses have doubled in productivity. When I give them my expert analysis on it, they triple in productivity. If you have a plan you want me to analyse, book a meeting below and I will deconstruct and analyse your plan completely for free.

Your Automations Are Killing Your Business. Here's Why:

Automations are amazing. We know that. But, when you first get started with automations, you jump right in the deep end.And, when you jump in the deep end, if you’re not prepared, or if you don’t have any help, you’re going to drown.In this article, I’m going to give you that help, so you can not only avoid drowning but you can learn to swim in the automations field.The secret is to avoid a few common pitfalls below.How you’re going to drown in automations.When you’re trying to automate your business, there are a few common mistakes beginners make. And while they might not seem fatal at first, if they grasp a hold behind the scenes of your business, they can bring it tumbling down.When I see businesses implement automations they fall victim to these two issues.1. Becoming reliant on one technology
2. Having huge inefficiencies in your automations.
How do I know if I’m about to drown?Knowing where you’re going wrong in automation isn’t always an easy thing to spot and if you don’t even know where to start looking, it becomes even harder.Your automations could be working perfectly but ,with a few concatenations of problems, things can go drastically wrong and begin to drag your business down.So, below, I’ve outlined step by step the process of identifying these mistakes to help you avoid them and build a resistance to them.1. Overreliance on TechnologyTo find if you’re over reliant on one technology, I want you to think about your planning process when you build an automation.Is there one software you automatically go towards?There surely is for me. Everyone has their favourites and that’s not a bad thing.The problem arises when you become attached to that software.When that software falls short, do you try to force something to work, or are you flexible and willing to go and test something new out and get around the problem?I’ve had a client with this exact problem. He was in a near romantic relationship with Zapier and when we wanted to move onto more ambitious projects, Zaoier was holding us back.If we didn’t nip this in the bud there and then, he would’ve never achieved the success that he has managed to.This was all down to branching out to, n8n and Relevance AI and eliminating overreliance on one software.2. Having inefficiencies in your workflowsDo you realise that not everything has a module?For example, you can search for deals related to a person in Pipedrive, by sending an API request, even if the module doesn’t exist for that action.If you didn’t know that, it would take 3x the operations.Or, have you ever heard of a http request in Make?They allow you to contact other software, such as SmartLead and WeConnect, without having to rely on webhooks.Not knowing this would seriously hinder your ability to automate your business.If there are places in your workflows that are convoluted with excess modules, not running at full efficiency and you don’t fully understand what’s going on, then that is a sign that your automations aren’t as efficient as they could be.But I’m looking and can’t recognise those issues.This is exactly where you need an automations expert to come into your business and help.From simply logging in, somebody who knows automation can tell you where these problems are occurring.They will not only recognise the problems though. They can fix the problem, reduce complexity and make the workflow do 2x as much as it previously was.If you think getting an automations expert involved in your business would be worthwhile, book a call with me below and I’ll review your automations absolutely for free.

The Secret To Having a 25 Hour Day

25 hour days. Are they a myth or is there time in your day you're yet to discover?Are you always one step behind on your task list, instead of being one step ahead? I definitely used to be. I want to tell you about a moment that has forever redefined productivity for me and if you really grasp what I’m about to tell you… this moment will stay with you forever too.I vividly remember when I was constantly behind on all of my tasks. I was at my desk, thinking I’d got to the bottom of my to-do list.Then I flipped the page.There was a whole new side of tasks I was yet to do.On top of that, it was nearing 10pm and it had been one of those days when an issue appeared with everything I did.Before long, days like this were normal to me. I’d settled with the idea of my to-do list keeping me up into the early hours of the morning.But, amidst the tiredness and grumpiness (according to people around me), I was forgetting to do things and sacrificing quality so that I could mark them as done..When things got out of handThere was a moment, however, when I realised that things had gotten out of hand.Up until this point, I had been using Notion, Google Calendar, Monday and Airtable. They’re all project management tools, so I should have a firm grip on time management, right?Wrong. I had projects all over the place and I lost track of what I was meant to do.The tipping point came when I missed a client meeting. I’d made a note of it on Notion, weeks prior, but, on the day, I didn’t see the notification. As you can imagine, I got a stern email from an unhappy, soon to be ex-client.Having too many productivity tools had actually left me worse off and I lost a client because of it.How I vowed to never let that happen againI decided to get to the bottom of why my to-do list was getting out of hand and how I could vow to never let it happen againI started with just a blank piece of paper and wrote down every single activity I had to do that day. Things as simple as sending an update email to a client were on there.Writing that list, I realised that things that were supposed to take me 10 minutes, like checking my emails, were taking me closer to 30 minutes. Why? Because I had to manually go through and update my project management and CRM when a client replied.This whole process signaled to me that I needed to cut down the manual tasks I was doing and find a way to automate them.Getting started in automationThis automation journey is where I found the 25th hour to my days. I looked at the issues I was having and the manual process behind them.What I needed was advice on how to link my software together, but it was scattered around and scarcely available.To connect Notion and Google Calendar, I had to watch hours of software specific API guides, learn how to use Javascript and host it myself on Replit. That was one of the easier automations...Automating my business took me a whole two weeks, but I had completely nailed it. I had software working in synchronisation and saved about 3 hours of manual tasks per day.At the time, spending 2 weeks to save myself 21 hours per week was amazing, but not a lot of people could spare 2 weeks of work.How can you do the same in much less than 2 weeks?Automating your business is a lot easier now. You can use tools like Zapier, follow YouTube tutorials or look at a software’s documentation.On top of that, you can use productivity advice from creators like Ali Abdaal to save your to-do list from getting out of control.So, be grateful if you’re in the position now to leverage all of these new automation tools. If you think automation could help your business out, but don’t have the time to figure it all out yourself, get in touch below and I’d be happy to help you.

The One Skill AI Won't Be Able To Replace

People are worrying that AI is going to come for them, their jobs and their skillset altogether. In this article, I’m going to let you in on a skill AI won’t be able to replace. And, if you hang around long enough, I’ll show you how to develop it for yourself.What is AI really good at?Everyone knows AI is here to make people more productive and to eliminate the repetitive tasks you do on a daily basisAnd, I can already hear some people’s alarm bells sounding."Most of the things I do at work are repetitive… does this mean I’m going to be replaced?"I used to have the exact same worries when I heard AI would replace my skills.I would worry whether it was worth me bettering a skill such as graphic design, when AI will be able to do a similar thing soon enoughStarting to doubt like this starts a spiral which ends up making you doubt almost every skill you have.And that’s what AI is really good at.Making you panic.So, the key to not being overwound by AI is to not panic, but how do you start to excel?Doing something AI can’t do… yetThe panic is making people realise that they need to develop a skill. Quickly.Consequently, people are flooding to roles such as Tech Sales, Social Media Marketing and Client Acquisition to build an online brand and separate themselves from AI.It sounds like a good idea because AI can’t replace human interaction, right?Not for now.These people have the correct idea of becoming somebody unique that AI can’t replace. However, it’s extremely shortsighted.Soon these markets will be saturated with thousands of personal brands that AI could come along and look indistinguishable.Then, even the people who thought they were ‘getting ahead’ will be left behind.Well, what is the best way to distinguish yourself from AI?It’s by first realising AI is a machine, and machines are made by humans and always will be made by humans.Meaning AI won’t be able to drive itself.How AI will crash it’s carImagine AI as the fastest car in the world. It can get you from A to B in seconds.However, without a driver in the car, it’s destined to crash.You yourself know this. Look at how ChatGPT never answers your questions perfectly even though you poured your heart and soul into prompting it.That’s because the person asking it isn’t a qualified AI driver yet.You need to begin to develop a skillset that places you as an expert driver of the AI car.And the only way to truly develop the skill of using AI, is by putting the reps in on a daily basis and using AI.By starting to implement AI in your workflows, you will gain an edge on those who don’t and small edges will compound to become bigger and bigger advantages.It links back to my favourite saying
You don’t need to be the fastest, you just need to be faster than the slowest person.
By implementing AI now, you’ll be in a position where you’re not the one the slowest person being replaced. If you want to get started with AI, click the link below and download my free 3 step guide to identifying AI opportunities in your business.

The #1 Thing Killing Your Productivity

It’s no secret that being more productive makes you more money.But, even some of the smartest people I know, are yet to unlock their full productivity. This higher level of productivity is separating millionaires from billionaires and I’m about to reveal it to you in this article.The problem with small thingsHave you ever had one of those days where your tasks seem to be taking way too long? Something as simple as checking your emails will take 4x as long because a client is struggling to find a document and you have to find it for them.Checking your emails has gone from taking 10 minutes to 25 minutes. 15 minutes doesn’t seem huge, but throughout the day they can stack up and cause a lot of damage to your productivity levels.I used to have my day planned out by the minute, but, once something took slightly longer, it threw off the rest of my schedule and before you know it, my schedule was completely abandoned and I’d gotten nowhere near enough work done.The small things…can…multiply…?Once my schedule was thrown off, so was my working rhythm. Every task on your list almost instinctively knows you’re having a long day, so they decide they’re going to throw a spanner in the works too.Your task list keeps getting longer. You forget which tasks to do. You miss a deadline. You’re staying up later. You’re a working wreck.The small things start to multiply and end up becoming one big problem which can cause damage if not dealt with.Catching the small things before they multiplyBack when I first started my business, I noticed pretty early on that I needed a way to track my tasks and maintain a schedule.I was juggling school, sports, a part time job and running a business so a small thing could easily come along and dislodge my schedule.There is, however, one simple trick that, once I’d learned it, allowed me to focus on one task at a time.Then, when a little thing did come up, I caught it, dealt with it and pressed on with my day as if nothing had happened.It’s called Occam's Razor.Occam's Razor vs The Small ThingsOccam’s Razor is a principle which suggests that the simplest way of doing things is normally the best way to do it.

This means that, if you’re writing a blog post but have a client call in 2 hours, don’t even think about the client call.You’re going to overcomplicate the task at hand because you’re preoccupied with the next task on the list.So, the trick to make sure that the small things don’t have knock-on effects to the rest of your task list, is simply by going after one task at a time.Eliminate distractions, set a timer for 10 minutes and then complete it. Then, if there is a small thing plaguing your mind, jot it down on a piece of paper, and deal with it once the 10 minute timer is done.Once you start to take each task one at a time, you’ll realise that a small thing creeping up isn’t the end of the world. You simply need to acknowledge it by making a note and stay focused on the task at hand.Where can I find Occam’s Razor?Unfortunately, I don’t think there’s anywhere to buy it.You just need to take the principle on board and follow the simple trick to help keep yourself on track when working. If you want to see how I help my clients stay on board with their online task lists and how I could help you too, send me a message below

Why ChatGPT Won't Follow Your Instructions

I’ve been there. Whenever you try to use AI, it never gives you the answer that you want.Then, when you try to correct it, it becomes worse until, eventually, you just give up.In this article, I’m going to let you in on the 3 steps that I follow to ensure ChatGPT always does exactly what I tell it to do.The biggest turnoff when it comes to AIWhen it comes to using AI, we all start in the same position.You hop straight onto ChatGPT, give it something creative to do, and it blurts out a whole load of rubbish.But, that’s only because AI is trained to never be wrong.That means it will try to give you as much information as possible and invent it’s own context to ensure it gives what it thinks is a ‘perfect answer’The way you need to think about AI is as being an idiot with an amazing memory.How stupid really is AI?Imagine you’re speaking to somebody with no common sense but all the knowledge in the world.They can recite any date or fact instantaneously, but the second you ask them to put those facts into a sentence or have an opinion on the information, they completely crumble.This is because AI doesn’t know what to do with all of the information that it has despite the expectations people have of it.And, that’s why I call this the expectation collapse of AIPeople expect AI to inherently know how you want it to respond.Reality check, it doesn’t.So, as more and more people start to use AI, those who understand this fact will continue to get their perfect responses from AI and they will excel in their everyday life.Those who don’t realise this, will simply try AI, dismiss it and fall behind into the ever growing skill gap.If you want a chatbot to respond with the answer you want it to respond with, tell it how to create that response.Let’s have a look at two examples.

Which user will receive the best response from AI?And, which user is then going to continue to use AI and reap it’s benefits?It’s clearly the latter. But, these prompts aren’t always always quick to write and they can easily become more complicated than what I’ve written above.You need to approach it from a certain angle to ensure you cover all bases and give your ‘knowledgeable idiot’ the best possible chance at outputting the correct answer.The 3 steps to crafting the perfect promptCrafting the perfect ChatGPT prompt comes down to these 3 tenants.1. Context
2. Action
3. Style
ContextIf ChatGPT doesn’t know what position you’re in, it won’t know how to act. You can’t throw AI in the deep-end and expect it to become an olympic-level swimmer immediately.You need to let it know a few things:
What situation you’re in
Why you’re actually asking it for help
What you’ve tried before
Why they haven’t worked and;
What the dream outcome looks like contextually.
Only then are you giving it a fair shot at producing an answer you’re happy with.ActionThen, You need to tell ChatGPT exactly what you want it to do but also explain what you don’t want it to do.This is where you outline what the problem is with your current situation and what you want the AI to do in order to solve it.You should be as specific as possible in this step and try to make sure that you leave as little room for error as possible for the AI. Cover some examples of dream outcomes but also some non-examples of what you don’t want it to produce.StyleIf you don’t tell ChatGPT how to output your answers, then how on earth do you expect it to know how to output your answers?You need to be specific in how you want your answer to be framed and avoid any vagueness.Do you want a bullet pointed list? Numbered List? Paragraphs? A formal tone?Let it know and it will output it exactly as you want it to.Okay… but 3 steps seems too much to do every single time I want an AI promptThat’s exactly why you should look at building out systems for whenever you use AI.You don’t want to spend so long writing your prompt that you might as well have done it without AI at all.Look into building an AI system around repetitive tasks you complete in your day. Then, you can write one prompt and just slightly alter it depending on what you need to be completed.If that’s you, and you wish AI would just work in a background system within your business, drop me an email below and I’ll look at how we could implement AI into your business workflows, completely for free.

How To Double Your Productivity Without A Caffeine Addiction

If a strong coffee is what ‘gets you going’ in a morning, then this article is for you.While drinking coffee is definitely one way to help get more done in the day, it definitely shouldn’t be your go to optionIf, at any point, you’ve thought having more caffeine in your system would be the secret to beating your monster workload, then, this article is for you.Inside, I’m going to let you in on how I’ve doubled my productivity without having to drink 10 cups of coffee per day.What really is productivity?When people speak about having a more productive day, the one thing they’re always missing is a tangible goal for their productivity.People will see a video online where somebody’s desk is nicely organised, colour coordinated and filled with expensive tech and immediately think that imitating that setup will be their key to becoming more productive.Then, you realise that the aesthetic hasn’t actually done anything for your productivity, so you start to think.Maybe I should drink some coffee because if I can’t work more quickly, I should just work for longer. A 16 hour working day can’t harm right?I’m here to tell you that productivity is not any of those things above.Productivity is simply getting a bit more done each day.Making a start is the hardest partWhen I hear you say “I’m going to start to be more productive”, it’s a sign to me that you’re about to procrastinate like never before.You create a schedule you’re going to follow ‘religiously’ to get more done throughout the day, then you organise your desk, make your bed, make a cup of coffee and choose a good playlist.But, doing all of this hasn’t even made a dent in your workload.If you’re trying to get more done in your day, instead of immediately jumping on some online productivity hacks, you need to start by making incremental improvements on your working day.The Power of 1%The best way to begin is by looking at each thing you’re doing and trying to improve it by 1% each time.Take 1 minute less when you check your emails or write one extra LinkedIn post when you have a content creation session.Then once you’ve started to cut down on wasted time and get more done, you can switch your attention to your workload.And that’s when automation is something you need to consider.Automation: The Workload SlayerAlmost 90% of your day is wasted by repetitive tasks that you shouldn’t have to do.Things such as updating your CRM with little pieces of information, sending reminder emails, creating reports and organising dashboards.No matter how efficient you think you might be when you’re doing these tasks, you’re wasting your time on them. These are all tasks that could and should be automated.Why not set up a system that updates the CRM whenever a lead books a meeting through Calendly, or when they reply positively to an email?Automated systems like these are the reason that companies like Stripe can operate on merely 7000 employees whereas retail banks are employing hundreds of thousands of workers.But, how do I start with automation?If you have 3 spare hours per day, a powerful computer and some strong mental resilience, you can start to learn how to automate your workflows all by yourself.But, let’s be honest, you don’t have the time for that.That’s why, if you drop me an email below, we’ll do a free systems audit of your business and find out where in your business automations might work.And, then we’ll generate you a completely free roadmap on how we’d build those automations.So, if you want a systems audit, drop me an email in the form below using the message

Why AI isn't what you expect it to be... yet

Have you used AI before?If you have, were you, too, let down by all the hype? I definitely was.AI is meant to be capable of replacing humans, yet rarely lives up to that title.However, if you manage to prompt it correctly, you can unlock what everyone’s been raving about and use AI to its fullest extent..I learnt how to prompt AI correctly just under 1 year ago and, if you keep on reading, I’m going to describe for you the moment which opened my eyes on AI and hopefully will do the same for you.The Lazy Man’s AIIf we did a survey, I guarantee that 90% of people want to use AI because they think it will do their work for them.And, I get it, who doesn’t want their workload to be alleviated by the supercomputer.But, after using AI everyday for the past year, I’ve learnt that AI isn’t the key to replacing your workload, but is actually the key to increasing your workload.Why would you want to increase your workload?When you approach AI with the intention of replacing your workload, one of two things is going to happen.AI will do a good job and you’ll start to rely on it.
You’ll expect too much from AI, it won’t fulfil your expectations, and you’ll never use it again.
Both of these eventualities are disastrous if you’re using AI to improve your productivity because, while it might seem you’re getting more done, you’re unknowingly killing your productivity.By implementing AI in the correct way, you can eliminate all of the repetitive processes in your working day and get to get on with activities that actively grow your business.AI… will grow my business?YES!Exactly that. If you learn to implement AI in the correct way, you can not only alleviate yourself of the repetitive tasks but, as you focus on growing your business, you’ll find more and more to automate.Before long, you’ll have a business fully systemised and ready to scale.(Oh, P.S. systemised businesses are worth 10x when selling to an investor)But, where do you start with systemising your business?Systemising your businessThe number 1 place to begin is to plan out your day.As you start to plan your days, you’ll realise where your time is being eaten up.Step 2 is to list those moments and think about how AI can eliminate them.Can AI write some of those email reports and, with good prompting, do a better job then me?Step 3 is to use automation tools and AI to eliminate those exact tasks.Building out automation workflows is THE KEY to systemising your business because it allows you to directly offload your workload and eliminate repetitive processes.If you want to see how I do this for my clients, drop me an email below and I’ll send over some case studies.

How To Get A Tsunami of Clients With A Simple Automation

Trying to close clients online within the past year is becoming harder than ever and the challenge of standing out and keeping the attention of prospects is huge.But, once you figure out how to keep a prospect's attention, it’s guaranteed that you will have a tsunami of clients coming your way every single month.I’m about to let you in on a sequence I built which allows my clients to not only keep interested leads interested, but also to provide huge free value at no additional effort to my client.Why prospects never stick aroundPeople don’t like to be sold to. They like to buy.So, when you get an interesting lead from one of your social media posts, or maybe a cold email campaign, it’s because they want to buy.But, some people think it’s the client wanting to be sold to.I’ve shown some interest. Now please bombard me with sales emails and follow ups.NO.The second you start to sell to the client is the second you lose their attention and that’s exactly why 90% of salespeople fail.Because they do too much selling.Selling vs BuyingTake a look back at the initial message you sent to that prospect.Did they respond because they wanted to give you their money, or, did they respond because they wanted the value you were offering.Did they respond to“Let me run facebook ads for you please, for only £1500 per month”Or did they respond to“I’ve got a free marketing strategy, would you like me to send it over.
- P.S if you like it, I have a few openings for paid clients.”
More than likely, it was a value led offer similar to the second one. So you need to continue this approach with the prospect all the way until they become a client.The value paradoxWhen it comes to giving free value, it's a balancing act between putting loads of knowledge into the value, but not giving away pure, uncut, Colombian grade value for free.You don’t want to spend hours putting something together that might not even be read.My client came to me with this exact problem, and the workaround has allowed him to secure not only $25000 in business for his business, but $30000 in business for his clients too.And, it’s all using that one thing everybody loves.How To Turn AI Into A Free Value MachineLearning how to correctly prompt AI will allow you to generate free value instantly for clients.(Prompting AI can be tough, so if you’re not confident, check out my guide on AI prompting here)But, even with prompting ChatGPT to create some Colombian grade free value, you have to write that prompt each time and customise it to the prospect.That’s why you need to automate your free value production by feeding ChatGPT your client information and integrating it into your workflow.Free value, for free?You want to create free value without having to spend any of your time. Therefore, you need to set up a system that is activated by a trigger in your sales process.The way my client does this is through sending a webhook after a deal is added to the pipeline in the CRM.Then, you use a no-code automation software, connect the deal to ChatGPT and then have the free value forwarded to the client via a Gmail API.With a couple of links between softwares, you’ve got a free value creation machine that you’ll never have to touch again if you don’t want to.If some of those steps above seem pretty complicated, drop me an email below and I’ll give you a rundown for absolutely free.